Friday, October 22, 2010


Weight Lost: 15.6 lbs
Body Fat: 6.4%
Waist: 2"

I have spent most of my adult life at an unhealthy weight. In 2007, I lost 80 pounds through diet and exercise. Once I reached my goal weight, I really struggled to maintain my weight. It sounds strange, but losing the weight was the easy part; maintaining the weight off was much more difficult for me.

Before Live the Life, I had decent exercise habits, but I wasn't exercising with any purpose. My weight was starting to creep up and I didn't know where to start again. I work full-time and didn't feel like I had the time to plan ahead to eat well. I was eating instant oatmeal for breakfast and frozen meals for lunch every day.

I was excited to try Live the Life because it incorporates healthy eating AND exercise. I was hopeful when I started the program because I felt like I had nothing to lose (except the weight that was creeping on!). I read through the program materials and set some modest goals for myself. One of the biggest changes I had to make was to eat before working out in the morning. Before Live the Life, I dreaded going to the grocery store, trying to figure out what I was going to eat that week. Now, I go to the grocery store with my handy-dandy list, knowing exactly what I need to buy and what I will be eating that week. Best of all, I'm not eating oatmeal and frozen lunches every day! I loved learning how to eat the "right" combination of foods and the optimal times of day. The exercises for each week are simple, but effective. As I progressed through the program, I could feel my body making subtle changes.

With each week that passed, my self-confidence was bolstered. I was really doing this! I was eating delicious food, and I was never hungry. I had the energy to work out every day. During Phase 1, I started running again and actually enjoyed it. I ran a 5K and got my best time ever. I am planning to continue running.

Live the Life has given me the tools I needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle - both in what I eat and how I exercise. I'm looking forward to "living the life" for the rest of my life because I know I can do it!


Weight Lost: 21.5 lbs
Waist: 6"
Hips: 4"

I was lucky to grow up in a home where my self-esteem was fed, more than my belly. Home was my safe haven, a place where only positive feedback was given. People and experiences help define who we are in both negative and positive ways. There are three things in particular, that I allowed to affect me in a negative way. They all created FEAR. #1: Society/Hollywood, and others, condition us. They tell us we have to look a certain way in order to be accepted, to "fit in". Who doesn't want to fit in? I did! I was tall and lanky as a teenager. I was teased because of my height; I was called a giraffe. I had no shape. So, I focused on keeping my weight in check, but for the wrong reasons; out of fear that I wouldn't fit in or be accepted. #2: My family has a history of heart disease. My Dad died at the young age of 40. His Dad and a brother died young as well. One of my brothers has a heart condition. This has caused me to live in fear for YEARS. While I have no control over my family history, I CAN control how I eat and what kind of fitness plan I adopt into my life. With proper nutrition and exercise, I can improve my quality of life. #3: I turned 50 earlier this year and that scared me. I felt my life was rushing past me and would be over all too quickly. I had put on a LOT of weight FAST and all the Dr. could tell me was that with age, our metabolism slows down and I just needed to watch what I ate. That was NO help to me at all. I have been exercising regularly for over 20 years, and I thought I was eating healthy, but obviously, I was doing something wrong. My budget couldn't handle my constant wardrobe change in size this past year. I had to do something. I was desperate, but what would work for a 50 year old? I've seen younger girls succeed at weight loss, but was there really something out there that would work for ME? I wanted something healthy though. I have read enough about nutrition to know that fad diets do not work.

Then I was introduced to Live The Life. I was skeptical at first, but the plan sounded good and made sense to me. I figured I might as well give it a shot. What did I have to lose? Trish said something that that has stuck with me. She said that this plan works for all ages, and that our bodies are very forgiving. She gave me a life-line; I had hope again. I took it as a personal challenge to prove that a 50 year old woman, with all kinds of hormonal changes happening, could really do this and see results. I LOVE the meal plans. Counting calories does not work for me. It's too time consuming and overwhelming. I love having the menu and grocery list all made out for me. All I have to do is shop (which I would have to do anyway) and EAT (who doesn't love THAT part?). It can't get any easier than that. AND the food is GOOD!!!

Not only have I seen physical results, but there have been far greater rewards that can not be measured in pounds or inches. I FEEL GREAT!!! I have more confidence; my cholesterol is down in a normal range now; my knees do not hurt like they used to; I sleep better; I am free of fear and no longer feel the need to meet someone else's expectations. I am now free to truly live my life and focus on things of greater importance. I have learned that I can do hard things. The plan itself isn't hard, but breaking bad habits and changing our thinking, is! Having conquered my fears, and mastered what this plan teaches, the success found, spills over into other areas of life. THIS IS THE LIFE!!!


Growing up I always struggled with my weight. I didn't get into fitness until I got married. I loved living a more active lifestyle. I worked out more and more and enjoyed how good I felt and the results I was seeing. It started to get out of hand as I began to devote all of my time to it though.
My days started to revolved around my workouts as I became a cardio junkie and would spend anywhere from 2-3 hours at the gym everyday. I would put my workout schedule above spending time with my husband or other leisurely/fun activities. Due to my crazy workouts I was starving and so I would eat more than I needed to thus negating all the hard work I had done that morning. I felt like I was working hard, so I could eat whatever I wanted. I didn’t understand the relationship between nutrition and working out. On the outside I looked pretty good, but on the inside I felt like a wreck. Around that time I completed my first marathon which was huge for me, but I was tired, worn out mentally and physically and my life was going at a pace that with everything, I knew I couldn’t keep up.

I had tried out other fitness programs before because I thought it would be easier and simplify things for me if I just followed a plan and didn't have to think about it so much. But with any other program it was so complicated and actually ADDED more stress to my life! My friend Marnae Carter, who entered last month’s contest (and looks so amazing!) told me about this program and I was interested. I have known her for years and knew she had tried several things and never had success until I saw her doing this program. She changed so much! I saw this as an opportunity to get more toned and have the body I never thought I could! I wanted to push myself and see how far I could go!

So I started the program and LOVED the meal prep. I absolutely love cooking once and then forgetting about it all the rest of the week. THAT simplifies my life. I work a full time job and also work part-time as a hairstylist from my in home salon as well as do consulting work on the side too. I am a busy lady! So having my meals ready and not constantly having to make decisions about what to eat and what not to made all the difference. I already decided at the beginning of the week, not in a moment of temptation. I look forward to working out on this program whereas before it was easy to get in modes where you are unmotivated and have to drag yourself out of bed in the morning. I walk in the gym knowing exactly what I am going to do that day and when I am done feel good about myself, not kicking myself that I didn’t do 10 more minutes of cardio or run 2 more miles.

Right before starting Kristi Approved, I completed my 2nd marathon in June, and then I finished my 3rd marathon just last month in September and in that 3 month period, I cut 30 minutes off my marathon time from June to September (and 1 whole HOUR off my time from the previous year at my first marathon!). I was amazed! I know that this program helped me achieve those results.

For me this program wasn't about losing a ton of weight. It was about finding balance in my life, and pushing myself the last little bit to see how much I could achieve. I have lost weight though and I am definitely more toned and in better shape than I have ever been before in my life and that is so exciting to me.

I am happier, I am less stressed and I have found balance in my life. I didn’t think I should have to sacrifice taking care of myself and what I enjoy because life is busy and now I have found a way I don’t have to. Feeling wonderful, having more energy and just being happier has enriched all aspects of my life. I am in the best shape of my life and it has never been so easy. I have Kristi Approved to thank for that so that I can go and live the rest of my life!

Thanks Kristi and Trish!


Weight Lost: A LOT!




It all started after I finished playing football for BYU. I weighed 315 pounds a year after I finished playing. It was fine weighing that much while I played because I had much more muscle mass but a year later it was time to shed the not so muscular pounds. Being an exercise science major, I just knew I could do it on my own. Didn’t happen. After recycling the same 15 pounds in many failed attempts, I decided to turn to Kristi for help. After all, she had helped my wife shed 20 pounds in 6 weeks.

I was thrilled when I lost 8 lbs the first week and it continued to come off! Overall, I lost a total of 45 lbs! I felt much better about my appearance and my health benefitted as well. My blood pressure dropped back to normal, my cholesterol reached normal limits, and my joints, especially my knees, thanked me.

I’ve realized that exercise is a big part of weight loss but what you put in your mouth is even bigger. It’s crucial to eat the right foods at the right times. Kristi and the Live the Life team have designed an eating plan that is fool proof if you are diligent and stick to it.

I’m not a perfect eater and will always struggle with what I put in my mouth but I have built a new foundation with eating and know how to get back on track. I was an original client of Kristi about 4 years ago and have managed to stay in my weight goal range by sticking to principles she taught me. I’m definitely a believer in Live the Life.

Now as a Physical Therapist, I see daily the need for people to maintain a healthy weight and sustain muscle mass as long as possible. Many physical ailments could be avoided or alleviated if more people could learn and implement the principles of the Live the Life program.

I was excited when the Live the Life team came out with phase I of Live the Life for men. The book is easy to follow and explains the 7 keys that are crucial to sustained weight loss. The weekly emails and support from the team hold you accountable which are vital in my opinion for clean eating. I would recommend this program to anyone who is serious about improving their overall health.


Weight Lost: 18 lbs
Waist: 5"
Hips: 2.5"
Thighs: 2"
Chest: 2"

Kristi Approved changed my life. I had been severely depressed for about 14 months. Most days it was the most I could do to just make sure my kids were dressed and fed. I had no desire to do anything. I have the knowledge to know that I needed to eat right and exercise to help this depression, but I couldn't get my body and mind to get myself to do it. I had complete apathy for everything. I was introduced to Kristi approved and knew that I needed this. I had friends doing it along with me and that was what I needed. Over the 12 weeks I began to transform. I lost weight, I exercised, I ate right. But more than that I felt better, I had more energy, more patience, and more HAPPINESS. Thanks to Kristi and Trish who helped me personally along the way!!! I have my depression under control now. It is something I will deal with my whole life, but now I have the tools to help me through it! I have worked really hard to get here and I would appreciate your vote so that I can continue my journey!


My name is Cameron and I lost 53 pounds in 12 weeks doing Kristi Approved.
I lost 8 inches in my M1 and 8 inches in my M2.
Three years ago, I started a job that requires me to travel quite a bit. Often times eating out for 2-3 meals a day and getting very little exercise, led me to gain a lot of weight. Every other time I have tried to lose weight, I have done so by skipping meals completely. As a result, I always gained the weight right back. Kristi Approved changed the way that I eat and the way that I look at food. Both my wife and mother-law did Kristi Approved with me. Between the three of us, we have lost over 160 pounds and are still going strong. Kristi Approved also helped me get into shape both mentally and physically. It helped me and my family put food in perspective and made an active lifestyle the priority in our home.

As we’ve continued to “live the life” this summer; we began hiking as a family for the first time. Our 3 children are now excited to hear where we’re exploring our next time out. I was never much of a runner. This was mostly because I was born with club feet and they tend to be very sore after I run or play sports. As I began to see the results from the program I began to run more and more. My feet didn’t bother me nearly as much. Now I regularly run 3-5 mile stints with very little pain. I thank Kristi approved for helping my family and I to get back on track, and living an active life.


Weight Lost: 13 pounds
Waist: 4"

A while ago I was frustrated because I was going to the gym religiously and ate healthy and wasn't getting the results I wanted. I've done weight watchers, I've tried Jessica Seinfields "Deceptively Delicious recipies, I've tried to encorporate a Medeteranean diet, I've gone off sugar for extensive ammounts of time, I'm emberassed to say i even tried the HCG diet (mostly out of curriousity) to try to loose some quick pounds but ended up gaining more weight, and feeling quite irritable and very hungry. I've tried a lot of things to be 'healthy". I've always excercized...ALWAYS. I just didn't have all the puzzle peices together right. That is where Kristi Approved came in.

First off, I learned so much from the conference calls. She fills you with encouragement, and knowledge. I have learned so much about my body and how it works that I didn't realize just from those conference calls. There are so many books and theories out there on health, I really didn't know what to make of it all. Kristi aproved channeled all that information into just the basics that I needed to know for my specific needs and interests. With her extensive background in exercize science, nutrition, as a registered nurse, and all of her other qualifications, I realized she really does know what she's talking about. Knowledge is power. I think all that I learned was worth the price of the program 10 times over.

I learned what times of the day to eat what, how much to eat, why to eat it then, and how sugar affects our bodies. I learned that we have control over our cravings, and can significantly reduce them by what we eat. I learned how powerful our mind and our will is in helping us achieve goals, I learned the importance of setting goals and rewarding ourselves for them, I learned that as long as I followed the plan, I would feel good, be happy, and be in peak health. I also became more aware of my kids needs. I realize that they need to eat every couple of hours too, and by feeding them around the clock, was able to reduce emotional breakdowns and outbursts. I learned how important it is to be prepared, and plan things in advance. I love the way I feel when I eat clean.
I love the exercize part! I did the workourts religiously on the program, and I had so many people tell me I looked really good. ( I've exercized (done cardio) my whole life and hadn't had results like that.) I felt stronger, and in day to day life, had no problem volunteering to lift heavy things if someone needed help, because I knew I was strong.

I don't feel guilty eating, or feeling full. I enjoy my food, and don't beat myself up over not making it to the gym. I don't exercize as hard, and I know that I'll be just fine! I have truly learned the art of working smarter, not harder and eating smarter, not less!

I feel empowered by what I've learned. And I love that my family will be healthy as long as we continue to eat this way.

I think the biggest change that I've made is a mental change. I'm a lot more positive in my mind. Not just with eating or working out, but with everything. I used to beat myself up over things, but now I can get over things a lot easier. I don't dwell on my mistakes as much, and I am a lot better at positive self talk.
Some other benefits have been :
• I'm more confident in myself
• my family is eating healthier
• my kids really like the food.
• I don't have to spend all day at the gym now, or plan my life around aerobics classes
• I've even been able to cut grocery spending.
• I usually spend around $60-65 a week on groceries for our family.
• My husband has lost 20 pounds just from the diet part alone.
• My mom, dad and mother-in-law have all lost on average 20 pounds as well, and kept it off for a year now.