Friday, October 22, 2010


Growing up I always struggled with my weight. I didn't get into fitness until I got married. I loved living a more active lifestyle. I worked out more and more and enjoyed how good I felt and the results I was seeing. It started to get out of hand as I began to devote all of my time to it though.
My days started to revolved around my workouts as I became a cardio junkie and would spend anywhere from 2-3 hours at the gym everyday. I would put my workout schedule above spending time with my husband or other leisurely/fun activities. Due to my crazy workouts I was starving and so I would eat more than I needed to thus negating all the hard work I had done that morning. I felt like I was working hard, so I could eat whatever I wanted. I didn’t understand the relationship between nutrition and working out. On the outside I looked pretty good, but on the inside I felt like a wreck. Around that time I completed my first marathon which was huge for me, but I was tired, worn out mentally and physically and my life was going at a pace that with everything, I knew I couldn’t keep up.

I had tried out other fitness programs before because I thought it would be easier and simplify things for me if I just followed a plan and didn't have to think about it so much. But with any other program it was so complicated and actually ADDED more stress to my life! My friend Marnae Carter, who entered last month’s contest (and looks so amazing!) told me about this program and I was interested. I have known her for years and knew she had tried several things and never had success until I saw her doing this program. She changed so much! I saw this as an opportunity to get more toned and have the body I never thought I could! I wanted to push myself and see how far I could go!

So I started the program and LOVED the meal prep. I absolutely love cooking once and then forgetting about it all the rest of the week. THAT simplifies my life. I work a full time job and also work part-time as a hairstylist from my in home salon as well as do consulting work on the side too. I am a busy lady! So having my meals ready and not constantly having to make decisions about what to eat and what not to made all the difference. I already decided at the beginning of the week, not in a moment of temptation. I look forward to working out on this program whereas before it was easy to get in modes where you are unmotivated and have to drag yourself out of bed in the morning. I walk in the gym knowing exactly what I am going to do that day and when I am done feel good about myself, not kicking myself that I didn’t do 10 more minutes of cardio or run 2 more miles.

Right before starting Kristi Approved, I completed my 2nd marathon in June, and then I finished my 3rd marathon just last month in September and in that 3 month period, I cut 30 minutes off my marathon time from June to September (and 1 whole HOUR off my time from the previous year at my first marathon!). I was amazed! I know that this program helped me achieve those results.

For me this program wasn't about losing a ton of weight. It was about finding balance in my life, and pushing myself the last little bit to see how much I could achieve. I have lost weight though and I am definitely more toned and in better shape than I have ever been before in my life and that is so exciting to me.

I am happier, I am less stressed and I have found balance in my life. I didn’t think I should have to sacrifice taking care of myself and what I enjoy because life is busy and now I have found a way I don’t have to. Feeling wonderful, having more energy and just being happier has enriched all aspects of my life. I am in the best shape of my life and it has never been so easy. I have Kristi Approved to thank for that so that I can go and live the rest of my life!

Thanks Kristi and Trish!