Friday, October 22, 2010


Weight Lost: 13 pounds
Waist: 4"

A while ago I was frustrated because I was going to the gym religiously and ate healthy and wasn't getting the results I wanted. I've done weight watchers, I've tried Jessica Seinfields "Deceptively Delicious recipies, I've tried to encorporate a Medeteranean diet, I've gone off sugar for extensive ammounts of time, I'm emberassed to say i even tried the HCG diet (mostly out of curriousity) to try to loose some quick pounds but ended up gaining more weight, and feeling quite irritable and very hungry. I've tried a lot of things to be 'healthy". I've always excercized...ALWAYS. I just didn't have all the puzzle peices together right. That is where Kristi Approved came in.

First off, I learned so much from the conference calls. She fills you with encouragement, and knowledge. I have learned so much about my body and how it works that I didn't realize just from those conference calls. There are so many books and theories out there on health, I really didn't know what to make of it all. Kristi aproved channeled all that information into just the basics that I needed to know for my specific needs and interests. With her extensive background in exercize science, nutrition, as a registered nurse, and all of her other qualifications, I realized she really does know what she's talking about. Knowledge is power. I think all that I learned was worth the price of the program 10 times over.

I learned what times of the day to eat what, how much to eat, why to eat it then, and how sugar affects our bodies. I learned that we have control over our cravings, and can significantly reduce them by what we eat. I learned how powerful our mind and our will is in helping us achieve goals, I learned the importance of setting goals and rewarding ourselves for them, I learned that as long as I followed the plan, I would feel good, be happy, and be in peak health. I also became more aware of my kids needs. I realize that they need to eat every couple of hours too, and by feeding them around the clock, was able to reduce emotional breakdowns and outbursts. I learned how important it is to be prepared, and plan things in advance. I love the way I feel when I eat clean.
I love the exercize part! I did the workourts religiously on the program, and I had so many people tell me I looked really good. ( I've exercized (done cardio) my whole life and hadn't had results like that.) I felt stronger, and in day to day life, had no problem volunteering to lift heavy things if someone needed help, because I knew I was strong.

I don't feel guilty eating, or feeling full. I enjoy my food, and don't beat myself up over not making it to the gym. I don't exercize as hard, and I know that I'll be just fine! I have truly learned the art of working smarter, not harder and eating smarter, not less!

I feel empowered by what I've learned. And I love that my family will be healthy as long as we continue to eat this way.

I think the biggest change that I've made is a mental change. I'm a lot more positive in my mind. Not just with eating or working out, but with everything. I used to beat myself up over things, but now I can get over things a lot easier. I don't dwell on my mistakes as much, and I am a lot better at positive self talk.
Some other benefits have been :
• I'm more confident in myself
• my family is eating healthier
• my kids really like the food.
• I don't have to spend all day at the gym now, or plan my life around aerobics classes
• I've even been able to cut grocery spending.
• I usually spend around $60-65 a week on groceries for our family.
• My husband has lost 20 pounds just from the diet part alone.
• My mom, dad and mother-in-law have all lost on average 20 pounds as well, and kept it off for a year now.